Thursday, June 2, 2011


As I reflect back on the release of my CD, it's amazing to think it took 2 years for this! Especially when I got tired of waiting, and decided to do something myself, it took 3 days!!! Most of the time, our dreams don't become fulfilled because we fail to take action. Regardless of what someone else says, or promises, it's still OUR dream. Therefore, it's up to US to make it happen.

Don't get me wrong: people really wanted to help me out with this. People love the music, love me and sincerely want to see this project take flight. However, it wasn't until I stood up and said NOW OR NEVER, did something materialize into a final product.

If you have the vision, you have the responsibility. No matter what anyone else does for you, it's still YOUR job to put it all together and make sure it functions properly. So, I ask you, what are your dreams??? Are they being pursued or are you waiting for someone else to do something??? If you're waiting, I say GET UP!!! Get off yo rusty tail, and DO SOMETHING!!! ANYTHING!!! Anything to get you one step closer. We all need to be encouraged from time to time, so today, I'm your encourager; "you have my permission to believe in yourself and take a step toward the life you desire!!!!"

Now stop reading, and start STEPPING!!!!

While you're at it, step over to the right of my page and buy my But, seriously...

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